Monday 1 October 2012

Design and layout features of posters

Having looked at a range of posters from different genres I have identified the following conventions which seem to crop up time and time again . When creating my posters for my films marketing campaign I will include these conventions to help make the poster look as authentic as possible.

  • References to source material 
  • Mise-en-scene suggesting genre
  • Images of recognisable stars

  • Name of film (usually largest text on screen)
  • Company logos 
  • Sound logos 
  • Credits/billing 
  • Certificate 
  • Social networking sites 
  • A quote from a review 
  • Names of well known stars 
  • Tag line
  • Name of recogniable director 
  • An award the film has received/been nominated for 
  • Release date 
  • Website  
  • Reference to other films 
  • Reference to merchandise  

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